Andreas Both
Institut für Informatik
Raum 3.21
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1
06120 Halle
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Beispiele: Komponenten und Protokolle
Konzept von Komponentenabstraktionen und Komponenten-Protokollen
Zwei zentrale Elemente des hier verfolgten Verifikationsansatzes sind die Abstraktionen Π (genannt Stripped Process Rewrite Systems) und die Protokolle P.
Hier folgen Beispiele die erklären wie Komponenten-Abstraktionen und Komponenten-Protokolle erstellt bzw. interpretiert werden:
- Protokoll eines Single-Sign-On Webservice aus [BZ08a]
- Protokoll eines Faktura-Service aus [BZ09b]
- weitere Beispiele sind in den unten angebenen Veröffentlichungen enthalten
Folgende Quellen enthalten weitere/ausführlichere Beispiele
- [BZ08a] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Automatic protocol conformance checking of recursive and parallel component-based systems. In Michel R. V. Chaudron, Clemens A. Szyperski, and Ralf Reussner, editors, Component-Based Software Engineering, 11th International Symposium (CBSE 2008 ), volume 5282 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 163–179. Springer , October 2008. BibTEX
- [BZ08b] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Automatic protocol conformance checking of recursive and parallel component-based systems. Technical Report 2008/01, University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Computer Science, June 2008. BibTEX
- [BZ08c] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Automatic protocol conformance checking of recursive and parallel BPEL systems. IEEE Sixth European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS ’08 ), 0:81–91, IEEE , 2008. BibTEX
- [BZ09a] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Model checking of component protocol conformance – optimizations by reducing false negatives. In International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS’09 ), Eindhoven, November 2009 (to be published as extended version in ENTCS ). BibTEX
- [BZ09b] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. On more predictable implementations of reliable workflows in service-oriented architectures. IEEE Seventh European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS ’09 ), 0: 87-96, IEEE , November 2009. BibTEX
- [BZ09c] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Sicherstellung der Funktionalität in Komponentensystemen und Service-orientierten Architekturen. In Erik Maehle Stefan Fischer and Rüdiger Reischuk, editors, GI-Jahrestagung , volume 154 of Lecture Notes in Informatics , pages 425;3336–3349. GI, 2009. BibTEX
- [BZ09d] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. A step towards a more practical protocol conformance checking algorithm. In 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009 ), pages 458–465. IEEE Computer Society , August 2009. BibTEX
- [BZ09e] Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann. Supporting the development process of reliable software during the composition process using interaction protocols. Technical Report 2009/04, University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Computer Science, September 2009. BibTEX
- [FB09] Rene Franke and Andreas Both. Tool demo: Component-based infrastructure for protocol conformance checking of component-based software. In International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS’09 ), Eindhoven, November 2009. BibTEX